
Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources

Call for Papers

The SCC-76 "Economics and Management of Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resources" Group is soliciting submissions for the 2024 Annual Meeting, taking place April 3-5, 2024 in Kansas City, MO.

The objective of the conference is to provide a forum to facilitate the exchange of applied approaches to risk analysis, economics, and policy - both empirical and theoretical - as well as to nurture the development and application of dynamic and original research efforts related to agriculture and natural resources. Applied work in domains of government, industry, and academia is most welcome.

Abstracts should normally not exceed two double-spaced pages and should outline the research question, methodology, and results of the research. Authors are welcome to submit abstracts for finished papers as well as papers in the early stages of development. All papers relevant to risk in agricultural and applied economics and their constituent fields will be considered.

Abstracts should be submitted by email (PDF only) no later than December 18th, 2023 to  Authors will be informed whether their papers are accepted by January 31, 2023.

2024 Annual Meeting

The 2024 Annual Meeting of the SCC-76 "Economics and Management of Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resources" Group will be held in Kansas City, MO.

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in Kansas City, MO

April 3-5, 2024

Photo Credit: "Kansas City" David Reber/Flickr CC BY-SA 4.0


SCC-76 (formerly IEG-76, SRIEG 70, and SERA-IEG-31) participants have hosted a conference every year since the group's inception, except during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. These conferences have attracted the top agricultural economists in the areas of risk and environmental management, and attendance has ranged from 30 to 50 researchers each year. In addition to university researchers, participants have included USDA economists and administrators, private sector economists and graduate students. Programs from past meetings can be downloaded below. Selected presentations from past meetings can be found on AgEcon Search.

Kansas City, MO
Pensacola Beach, FL
Atlanta, GA
Destin, FL
Galveston, TX
Orange Beach, AL
Myrtle Beach, SC
Gulf Shores, AL


The SCC-76 provides a scientific/professional forum to facilitate the exchange of theoretical and methodological approaches to risk analysis, and to nurture the development of original concepts and preliminary research efforts related to agriculture and natural resources.

Our official project site contains information about the project mission and history, as well as a directory of current members.

The SCC-76 is a USDA Multistate Project of the Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (SAAESD). To formally join the group, you must file an Appendix-E. Your local or regional Agricultural Experiment Station Director can assist you with this process.

Group membership is not required to attend the annual meeting.


Group Officers

Conference Program Chair
Kelly Davidson, University of Delaware

Accommodations Chair
Jisang Yu, Kansas State University

Jisang Yu, Kansas State University

Administrative Advisor
Michael Salassi, Louisiana State University


General questions about the annual meeting or submitting abstracts should be directed to

Questions or site feedback can be emailed to